A whole new year

And I’ve been busily writing away…I’m about 3/4 done with the first draft of the first Saints book though slightly behind due to having a wisdom tooth out (turns out writing on codeine is not so much a thing). Still I’m having lots of fun writing these two and seeing them butt heads and try to resist each other (futile, I tell you, futile….). Hope everyone had a lovely holiday season and has some fun plans for this year (mine consist of much typing and occasionally emerging from my writer hermit cave so that my friends and family and the world don’t forget who I am).

This site is a work in progress, so forgive me if it changes a little (or a lot) from time to time.All the more reason to come back and see me again!

If you stick around here you can learn a little about me and my books, and check out some of my favorite writers and writing links and other stuff. For even more about me check out the FAQs.

This site is currently updated once a month or so (more often as exciting news hits). For more frequent updates visit my blog where I’ll be talking about what happens with my writing, my life and whatever else catches my attention. You can get in touch with me here. If you want to hear my news and book release announcements from time to time, you can join my mailing list using the form in the sidebar. Now, go read a good book!

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